If you are concerned about spousal maintenance, you should call me (divorce attorney Dan Fiskum) to set up a free initial consultation.
If you are concerned about spousal maintenance, you should call me (divorce attorney Dan Fiskum) to set up a free initial consultation.
In the State of Minnesota, when determining spousal maintenance, there are two primary considerations - the amount of the monthly payment, and the duration, or length of time that the award or obligation will last. Spousal maintenance is one area of the law in which there are many variables that can affect the amount of [...]
The Minnesota legislature enacted a very important change to Minnesota spousal maintenance laws. The change became effective on August 1, 2016. Under the new law, cohabitation is now grounds for terminating spousal maintenance. There are some factual tests that need to be met, but in very many cases (if not most) a party will be [...]
Often, people who know a divorce is coming ask me whether they should file first, or whether they should let their spouse file first. My answer is "It depends." If the divorce is non-contested, if you and your spouse get along well and you know with certainty that you will reach an amicable, peaceful agreement [...]
As I have written about in the past, mediation is an important component of the divorce process in Minnesota courts. There is also another process that is similar, but different. This process is known as "Early Neutral Evaluation." What is the difference? In mediation, the role of the mediator is to help the parties reach [...]
If you have been following the Minnesota news, you know that the Minnesota state government is going to shut down on July 1 because of lack of funding. Only essential services will remain open. This includes prisons, state mental hospital, and, fortunately, aid to local governments. For now, the Minnesota court system is deemed "essential." [...]
I spoke to someone yesterday who said she had paid $250 for so-called "online divorce." She said she didn't get divorced and she didn't get her money back. So called "online divorces" are a scam. Do not waste your money. Regardless of what the scammers say, you cannot get divorced online. At best, all the so-called [...]
If you are paying alimony in Minnesota and are thinking about retiring, there are several things you need to know. First, "alimony" and "spousal maintenance" mean the same thing. In Minnesota, the divorce statute uses the term "spousal maintenance." However, I usually use the word "alimony," because everyone seems to know what that term means. [...]
In a Minnesota divorce proceeding, the temporary relief hearing can be the single most important aspect of the case. At a temporary relief hearing, the judge will make decisions on a temporary basis--decisions about temporary child custody and parenting time, temporary child support and temporary spousal maintenance, temporary occupancy of the home, and other issues. Since [...]