If you are concerned about spousal maintenance, you should call me (divorce attorney Dan Fiskum) to set up a free initial consultation.
If you are concerned about spousal maintenance, you should call me (divorce attorney Dan Fiskum) to set up a free initial consultation.
Changes to Minnesota Divorce Procedures
Often, people who know a divorce is coming ask me whether they should file first, or whether they should let their spouse file first. My answer is "It depends." If the divorce is non-contested, if you and your spouse get along well and you know with certainty that you will reach an amicable, peaceful agreement [...]
Occasionally someone contacts me about divorcing a spouse who is abusing alcohol or drugs. They would like to keep the proceeding "amicable," but at the same time they are concerned that their spouse might receive inappropriate parenting time, meaning that their child might be left alone with a drug-using or actively-alcoholic spouse. They are concerned [...]
My recent blog post on the future of divorce in Minnesota has received a lot of attention. I am hopeful that the folks at the Minnesota state legislature understand the severe economic pressure that the Minnesota court system is under. While I like to remain apolitical in this blog, it is nonetheless true that the [...]
Often I am asked about the circumstances under which a divorced parent can modify the parenting time arrangement that they have with their ex-spouse. Modification can be needed for a variety of reasons - people change jobs, children get older and get involved in more extra-curricular activities, people have either more time or less time [...]