I spoke to someone yesterday who said she had paid $250 for so-called “online divorce.” She said she didn’t get divorced and she didn’t get her money back.
So called “online divorces” are a scam. Do not waste your money. Regardless of what the scammers say, you cannot get divorced online. At best, all the so-called “online divorce” scammers can do is e-mail you some forms to fill out. They cannot fill them out for you because they are not attorneys. A non-attorney cannot fill out legal forms for you and file them with the court because that would be practicing law without a license, and that is illegal.
You cannot get divorced unless you file the correctly completed paperwork and pay the court filing fee. In Minnesota, the court filing fee for divorce is $400 in most counties, and slightly higher in some counties. If you have children and do not have an attorney representing each spouse, then you have to appear personally in court, before a judge or referee, for an in court review of the divorce documents.
Since the court filing fee is at least $400, it is impossible to get divoreced by paying someone $250.
Do not pay for divorce forms. The divorce forms that you can buy on-line are garbage. Minnesota has specific requirements that are different from those of other states. You can get the best divorce forms for free right here: http://www.courts.state.mn.us/default.aspx?page=513&category=55.
Now, just having the correct form does not mean that you know all you need to know about the law. Generally speaking, you should hire an attorney. But, if you cannot afford an attorney and need to get divorced, these forms are helpful.
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